On-site composting is a natural and efficient process that allows for significant reductions in waste volume, savings on waste management costs, and a final product that is reused as a fertiliser and soil conditioner. It’s a simple and effective way for your business to contribute to a greener and better world.

Returns Nutrients to the Soil

Vital nutrients found in compost often include nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium which eliminate the need for using harmful artificial fertilisers that further damage our ecosystems.

Diverts Waste from Landfill

Research has shown that food waste in landfills creates methane – a greenhouse gas that is approximately 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide and a direct contributor to global warming.

Lower C02 Emissions

Greenhouse gas emissions are reduced from landfill diversion and the reduced need for waste removal trucks on the road.

Improves Air Quality

Returning compost to the ground supports the sequestration of carbon, the process of capturing and storing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Reduce Waste Management Costs

There is a reduced or eliminated need for food waste collection as food is processed on-site in a closed-loop solution.

Strengthen Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Mandate

Many companies are expected by the public to be involved in initiatives that benefit the environment. Businesses using TMK’s composters are reducing their contribution to landfill by turning their food waste into a valuable resource.

Pest Control

Food waste is loaded into a sealed tank, rather than being stored in open bins, eliminating access to rodents and unwanted pests attracted to food waste. Odour is significantly reduced by processing the food waste into compost.

Space Saving

Reducing the need for multiple food waste bins to be stored in between collections. The machine offers an 80-90% reduction in food waste volume.

What Can Be Composted?
As a rule of thumb, anything a human can consume, raw or cooked, can go into the machine. This includes meat and dairy as there is a hygienic function that heats the compost to a minimum of 70°C for one hour to kill 97.3-99.9% of harmful pathogens and bacteria such as Escherichia coli (e. coli) and salmonella.
Certified compostable products, e.g. compostable coffee cups, can also be put into the machine however, we recommend they are shredded to aid the composting process. Compostable goods input should also equate to no more than 40% of the machine’s daily capacity to ensure enough moisture and good bacteria is being introduced.